Vzdělávací a rekreační centrum Lesná, o.p.s.

Museums, Open-air museums, workrooms

Technical museum „Old Chair factory“ - Neuhausen - DE

Distance form Info Centrum Lesenská pláň, Nová Ves v Horách 25: Walk: 14,8 km (3 hours 18 minutes) By car: 19 km (29 minutes) By bike: 14,8 km (1 hour 30 minutes) GPS: 50° 40' 36.12" N, 13° 27' 59.4" E In neuhausener Museum of chairs you will learnt all about the technology chair making, that was in 1900 very important industry in the Ore Mountains. During the tour,  you c... Celý článek

Trains Museum – Narrow track - Zubrnice - CZ

Distance from Info Center Lesenská pláň, Nová Ves v Horách – Lesná 25: by car: 85 km (1 hour 36 minutes) GPS: 50°38'49.440"N, 14°13'3.269"E The museum shows the train station during the imperial era, with historical offices and more than 50 rail cars from the history of the Saxony  narrow track. Permanent exhibition to the subject, how the old transport goods transported ov... Celý článek

Toy Museum - Seiffen - DE

Distance from Info Center Lesenská pláň, Nová Ves v Horách – Lesná 25: walk: 12,3 km (2 hours 23 minutes) by car: 19,9 km (25 minutes) by bike: 12,3 km (1 hour) GPS: 50°38'23.867"N, 13°28'41.5340"E  The oremountains Toys museum shows entire range of oremountains ornaments and toys. Its origins lie in 1914, when was he held the first exhibition of art in Ore Mountains in Se... Celý článek

Ethnographic Museum - Olbernhau (castle) - DE

Walk: 16,6 km (3hours 42 minutes) By car: 23 km (34 minutes) By bike: 16,6 km (1 hour 40 minutes) GPS: 50°66´670´´N,  13°33´330´´E In the former castle Olbernahu ,  situated right on the square, is the „Museum Olbernhau“. Visitors have the opportunity to view an exhibition of the history and traditional products of the region. We start with the manufactory of weapons and ... Celý článek

Ethnographic museum „Old School" - Deutschneudorf - DE

Distance form Info Center Lesenská pláň, Nová Ves v Horách – Lesná 25. Walk: 7,9 km (2 hours) By car: 8,2 km ( 16 minutes) By bike: 7,9 km ( 35 minutes) GPS: 50 ° 36'16 .052 "N 13 ° 27'48 .082 " E The museum building was build in 1741, was used as the school and in 1851 expanded to other classes. Since 1997 the building has served   as the museum „House of oremoutains trad... Celý článek

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Vzdělávací a rekreační centrum Lesná, o.p.s., Lesná 25, 435 45 Nová Ves v Horách | www.vrclesna.cz | info@vrclesna.cz | Vytvořila společnost WMS s.r.o., 2012