Vzdělávací a rekreační centrum Lesná, o.p.s.

Ethnographic Museum - Olbernhau (castle) - DE

Walk: 16,6 km (3hours 42 minutes)

By car: 23 km (34 minutes)

By bike: 16,6 km (1 hour 40 minutes)

GPS: 50°66´670´´N,  13°33´330´´E

In the former castle Olbernahu ,  situated right on the square, is the „Museum Olbernhau“. Visitors have the opportunity to view an exhibition of the history and traditional products of the region.

We start with the manufactory of weapons and manufacturing chairs and turning over to get to manufacture of toys. In the past was Olbernhau the center of toys manufacturing and folks art production.

Another unusual attraction is over 3 meter tall pyramid, which is decorated with many carved  figures. The most important object in the museum are undoubtedly famous mechanical mountains, which come to life miniature villages, mines and landscape.

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Vzdělávací a rekreační centrum Lesná, o.p.s., Lesná 25, 435 45 Nová Ves v Horách | www.vrclesna.cz | info@vrclesna.cz | Vytvořila společnost WMS s.r.o., 2012