Vzdělávací a rekreační centrum Lesná, o.p.s.

About us

The Educational and Recreational Center Lesná b.s. originated in March 2008. Founders are Antonín Herzán, Jan Franc a Ing. Blanka Hvozdová.

The residence of The Center is in Lesná in the Ore Mountains interface of Most and Chomutov District. The nearest border line with Federal Republic of Germany is in the village Mount St. Catherine. This village is 5km far away from the Centre. Next border lines are for example in village Nová Ves in the Mountains or Mníšek.

The educational and recreational Center in Lesná will designed to educate, awarenes of enviromental and regional developement. In this Center are held Projects with enviromental and regional Themis, hosting seminars, workshops, courses and trainings and so on. 

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ŘÍJEN 2024
Kalendář akcí
Ziel 3 | Cíl 3
Vzdělávací a rekreační centrum Lesná, o.p.s., Lesná 25, 435 45 Nová Ves v Horách | www.vrclesna.cz | info@vrclesna.cz | Vytvořila společnost WMS s.r.o., 2012