Vzdělávací a rekreační centrum Lesná, o.p.s.

"The practice of Gold"

On 18. 11. 2013 students had the Department of Geography Faculty of Science, University of Ústí nad Labem opportunity to compare their theoretical knowledge with practical experience. The tourism industry in general and in particular on the specific status of the Ore Mountains from the national perspective lectured p. Antonín Herzán, who has rich experience in this field. Among other things, he introduced the ongoing project two countries - a region whose aim is to show the Ore Mountains as a tourist destination that has something to offer. Students obtained detailed information about the preparation of a new nature trail, which will connect the German and Czech side. And they were surprised by how demanding such a construction, so various, sometimes even humorous, difficulties are encountered. Questions in the final confirmation of the students' interest in the topic delivered and their efforts to customize learned bookish knowledge to make more consistent with reality. For not in vain, says: "The gray is the theory evergreen tree of life!"

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