Vzdělávací a rekreační centrum Lesná, o.p.s.

Started on the nature trail

On 17. 2. 2015 the site of the nature trail was handed over to the company and the building could to start. During the construction will be fitted fourteen educational boards, five interactive elements and stone resting near the timber pond. Interactive elements are wooden xylophone, animal footprints, herb garden, and labyrinth and drift model. The nature trail will be completed on 28. 3. 2015.

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Vzdělávací a rekreační centrum Lesná, o.p.s., Lesná 25, 435 45 Nová Ves v Horách | www.vrclesna.cz | info@vrclesna.cz | Vytvořila společnost WMS s.r.o., 2012