Vzdělávací a rekreační centrum Lesná, o.p.s.

3- 2 - 1 - The acceptance , or begin

Acceptance - the process by which the building officially brought to life, while the process that most frightens builders and small nightmare. Even the newly built building of the Information Centre Lesenská plan had been to pass this test . Although everyone did their job , how they could best , and officials they expect all prepared and polished , it was still in the air smell trace of nervousness , as it turned out unnecessarily . On 10 July 2014 , the building was successfully approved and immediately broke into her busy as soon as possible to welcome visitors to the Ore Mountains . All incoming are not only places to visit nearby and distant places , but also offer guided walks around with a guide and much more , including prepared a surprise for the kids.

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Ziel 3 | Cíl 3
Ziel 3 | Cíl 3Informační centrum Leseňská pláň