Vzdělávací a rekreační centrum Lesná, o.p.s.

History , crafts and architecture of the Ore Mountains for children from the Czech Republic and Germany

History, architecture and forgotten crafts Ore Mountains have been the main theme tour that they organized on 10. 10. 2013, representatives of the Education and Leisure Centre Lesná , ops the project two countries - one region , for children from third elementary school in Litvínov and German pupils from Jenaplanschule . In the traditional environment Highlanders young visitors learn what it is " home chlévního type " and the benefits of this, common in the past , buildings rendered . What was the livelihood of mountain dwellers 100 years ago and what historical value in the Ore Mountains have been preserved for today's generation . Questions , questions - that 's what an excursion not to miss . " And that there were " confirmed lecturer with a smile .

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Ziel 3 | Cíl 3
Ziel 3 | Cíl 3Informační centrum Leseňská pláň