Vzdělávací a rekreační centrum Lesná, o.p.s.

Construction the information center

Are you missing informations during your trips in the Ore Mountains? Don’t you know how to spend weekend or holliday? You like to roam the countyside and visit interesting places? Now, we have good news.

Passing a construnction side on Wensday 17.3. 2013 started the construction an information center  in Lesná, wich is implemented under the project „ two countries - one region“ that is supported by the program Cíl 3. This program promote cross - border cooperation 2007- 2013 between Czech republic and the Free State of Saxon.  the operator of the center will be public bendit corporation Educational and Recreational Center Lesná. 

The establisement of new informatik center at Lesná - called Lesenská pláň is filled with vision sof local enthusiasts, who several years trying to visualize the Ore Mountains as interesting touristit site. 

In the tourist information center will offer new opportunities in the form of comprehensive tourist offer throughout the Czech- German eastern part of the Ore Mountains. It’s easy to orientate in the local coutyside, visiting imortant sites for aiding informatik center or website to look up to thein requirements suitable accomodation and plan your daily program according to thein physical limits. 

We belive that tourists infocenterpositively appreciated Its completion id Schedule for end  of 2014, when it will be day fully avaliable for visitors and interested in the Ore Mountains. in Czech Republic and Germany.


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Ziel 3 | Cíl 3
Vzdělávací a rekreační centrum Lesná, o.p.s., Lesná 25, 435 45 Nová Ves v Horách | www.vrclesna.cz | info@vrclesna.cz | Vytvořila společnost WMS s.r.o., 2012